
Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four #16
N-Zone, Part 4

Marvel Comics
Release: 09 Mar 2005
Cover: 01 Apr 2005

Plot: The Four make contact with Annihilus, who is the leader of the last space station in a dying universe. They begin to open communications with him when Johnny collapses. They learn that Johnny’s powers are burning him out, and they need to get him back home as soon as possible. Annihilus, however, has other ideas.

Creators: Warren Ellis | Adam Kubert | Lary Stucker
Main Characters: Human Torch (Ultimate) (Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm) | Invisible Woman (Ultimate) (Susan Storm) | Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate) (Reed Richards)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.25
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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