
Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four #10
Doom!, Part 4

Marvel Comics
Release: 25 Aug 2004
Cover: 01 Oct 2004

Plot: Reed has traced Doom by backtracking the GPS trail from his robots. The military plan to go get him, which means that they’ll likely never get the superpositioning codes they need to change Ben back. Their only hope is to get to Doom before the military do, but for that, they’ll need a vehicle of incredible speed, and they don’t have time to make one now.

Good thing Reed did built one when he was thirteen.

Creators: Warren Ellis | Stuart Immonen | Wade von Grawbadger
Main Characters: Human Torch (Ultimate) (Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm) | Invisible Woman (Ultimate) (Susan Storm) | Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate) (Reed Richards)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.25
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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