Ultimate Spider-Man #87A
Silver Sable, Part 2 / Visions, Part 4
Direct Edition
Marvel Comics
Release: 07 Dec 2005
Cover: 01 Feb 2006
Plot: “Silver Sable, Part 2” – Peter and Kitty Pryde spend quality time together, while Flash Thompson escapes from his captors under his own steam. When he tells the press his captors were looking for Spider-Man, a great deal of media attention is paid to the school.
“Visions, Part 4” – Vision tells the Falcon of a variety of other species who have all opposed Gah Lak Tus, and who have all failed.
Creators: Mark Millar | Brian Michael Bendis | Mark Bagley
Main Characters: Spider-Man (Ultimate) (Peter Parker) | Mary Jane Watson (Ultimate) | Shadowcat (Ultimate) (Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde)
Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.5
Language: English