
Ultimate Spider-Man #57
Hollywood, Part 4

Marvel Comics
Release: 21 Apr 2004
Cover: 01 Jun 2004

Plot: Peter doesn’t like the situation Dr. Octopus has put him in, and he’s not taking it lightly. At the first opportunity, he escapes in a manner that really foils the good Doctor’s plan. Meanwhile, Gwen goes exploring, and makes a major discovery of her own.

Creators: Brian Michael Bendis | Mark Bagley | Scott Hanna
Main Characters: Spider-Man (Ultimate) (Peter Parker) | Gwen Stacy (Ultimate) | Dr. Octopus (Ultimate) (Otto Octavius)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.25
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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