
Ultimate Spider-Man #49

Marvel Comics
Release: 05 Nov 2003
Cover: 01 Jan 2004

Plot: Spider-Man is planning to give J. Jonah Jameson an piece of his mind, only to find the Enforcers already there, ready to attack Jonah for his turnaround in supporting Sam Bullit. Spider-Man saves him, but doesn’t get a straight answer about why Jonah does what he does. By the time Peter gets home, Jonah is waiting for him, and reveals some of his problems, which are actually rooted in the tragic death of his son.

Creators: Brian Michael Bendis | Mark Bagley | Art Thibert
Main Characters: Spider-Man (Ultimate) (Peter Parker) | May Parker (Ultimate) | J. Jonah Jameson (Ultimate)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.25
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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