Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four #45
Silver Surfer, Part 4
Marvel Comics
Release: 01 Oct 2007
Cover: 01 Oct 2007
Plot: There are four familiar faces in a world of blissful paradise. Nobody ever feels anything but happiness or contentment in the world of Zenn-La. One of the inhabitants, an outcast who looks like Reed Richards, is met by a silver surfboard carrying a message from Norrin Radd. The boy follows the board out of town, where he learns the history of this world, while his own memories of Earth start to return. Reed Richards has reawakened to who he really is and what the Psycho-Man is up to. Psycho-Man is about to learn that the worst thing anyone can do is make Reed Richards mad when he has time to think and full control of his mental faculties.
Creators: Mike Carey | Pasqual Ferry
Main Characters: Human Torch (Ultimate) (Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm) | Invisible Woman (Ultimate) (Susan Storm) | Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate) (Reed Richards)
Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Science Fiction | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.99
Language: English