
Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four #11
Doom!, Part 5

Marvel Comics
Release: 22 Sep 2004
Cover: 01 Nov 2004

Plot: The Fantastic Four track down Victor, who is more than prepared for them. She shoots them out of the sky quite readily, and prepares for a second assault. He takes out Sue, Johnny and Ben easily, having seen their changes through his robot cameras, and knowing full well what they can do now. He hasn’t seen Reed’s changes, though, although Reed did see Victor try to kill Sue. For a guy who doesn’t fight, Reed sure seems ready to rumble.

Creators: Warren Ellis | Stuart Immonen | Wade von Grawbadger
Main Characters: Human Torch (Ultimate) (Jonathan ‘Johnny’ Storm) | Invisible Woman (Ultimate) (Susan Storm) | Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate) (Reed Richards)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.25
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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