
The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2 #551A
Brand New Day, Part 6: Lo, There Shall Come A Menace!!
Direct Edition
Marvel Comics
Release: 01 Mar 2008
Cover: 01 Mar 2008

Plot: Cornered by the police as a suspect in a string of murders whose only connection is an older model of Spider-Tracer found on each of the villains, only a timely hand by Jackpot helps Spidey escape custody. But the two have little time… the mysterious Menace has attacked the New York City Mayoral debate.

As he escapes with one of he candidates, can Spider-Man and Jackpot rescue her, and apprehend Menace?

Creators: Marc Guggenheim | Salvador Larroca
Main Characters: Dexter Bennett | Spider-Man (Peter Parker) | Jackpot (Alana Jobson)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.99
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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