
Superman: Doomed #2A
Superman: Doomed – Doomed: Last Sun, Evolutions

DC Comics
Release: 24 Sep 2014
Cover: 01 Nov 2014

Plot: A Man of Steel who has lost himself in the monster must once again go up against the first threat he ever faced as Superman in the form of a villain who now has the power to warp reality with a thought. But this time if he defeats Brainiac, Earth will be lost. Batman, Wonder Woman, Steel, Supergirl are joined by Starfire, Guy Gardner and Green Lantern Simon Bazz and even Swamp Thing to make a fateful decision about their friend.

Creators: Charles Soule | Gregory Pak | Dave Bullock
Main Characters: Lana Lang | Nightwing (Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson) | Uncle Sam

Age: Modern
Genre: Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 4.99
Language: English


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