Justice League / International / America #13A

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Justice League
Justice League / International / America #13A
Collision Course
Direct Edition
DC Comics
Release: 01 May 1988
Cover: 01 May 1988

Plot: Batman receives word that Nemesis, a superhero working with the Suicide Squad, has been arrested in Russia and Colonel Flag, leader of the Squad, plans to rescue him against the wishes of Amanda Waller, Flag’s superior. When Waller learns Flag has taken the Squad to Russia, she contact the President who agrees to send in the Justice League to stop the Squad.

The League arrive at the prison first and find Nemesis beaten and locked in a cell when the Squad arrive while, unknown to them, both the Rocket Reds and the Soviet hero Red Star are also on their way.

Continued in Suicide Squad #13

Creators: Keith Giffen | Al Gordon
Main Characters: Batman (Bruce Wayne) | Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz) | Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)

Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 0.75
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 250 g

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