Green Arrow
Green Arrow, Vol. 6 #7A
Sins of the Mother, Part Two: The Killing Time
Regular W. Scott Forbes Cover
DC Comics
Release: 21 Sep 2016
Cover: 01 Nov 2016
Plot: “THE KILLING TIME”! In a tale from happier but no less dangerous times, Green Arrow labors to train a new apprentice who’s every bit as deadly as his fiercest villains: a teenage girl. But before Emiko and Ollie can embrace as brother and sister, they have to save Seattle from a foe that can see the future of anyone he chooses-anyone, that is, except for Emiko Queen…
Creators: Benjamin Percy | Stephen Byrne
Main Characters: Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) | Clock King (William Tockman) | Shado
Age: Modern
Genre: Action | Adventure | Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 2.99
Language: English
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