
All-Star Batman #4A
My Own Worst Enemy, Part 4 / The Cursed Wheel Part 4
Regular John Romita Jr. Cover
DC Comics
Release: 09 Nov 2016
Cover: 01 Jan 2017

Plot: “My Own Worst Enemy” part four! So close and yet so far from his goal, Batman must now wrangle Two-Face out of his own assassin-filled riverboat casino before it plunges over Niagara Falls to their deaths! The Dark Knight will have to go all-in on the most deadly gamble of his life if he intends to make it out alive.

Creators: Scott Snyder | John Romita Jr. | Declan Shalvey
Main Characters: Two-Face (Harvey Dent) | Black Mask (Roman Sionis) | Great White Shark (Warren White)

Age: Modern
Genre: Super-Heroes
Cover Price: 4.99
Language: English


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